About usmani

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So far usmani has created 79 blog entries.
5 06, 2024

Memories (Episode 8)


Memories (Episode 7-B) Pakistan was created in such a way that the assets that came into Pakistan’s share as a result of the partition of India were already of a small proportion. Furthermore, many assets were left behind in India, [...]

20 02, 2024

Memories (Episode 5)

2024-05-05T21:44:25+05:00Memories, Uncategorized|

Memories (Episode 5) An English translation of “Yadein”, the autobiography of Hadhrat Mawlana Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (dāmat barakātuhum), Vice President, Darul Uloom Karachi. Translation by Kaiser Nizamani. Poetry and literature were very popular in our house. The compilation of [...]

20 06, 2023

Memories (Episode 57)


Memories (Episode 57) Honorarium Received From Banks At this point, it is worth mentioning that when I first accepted to work as a member in the Shariah Board of Faysal Islamic Bank, the only motivation for accepting the role was [...]

17 05, 2023

Memories (Episode 56)


Memories (Episode 56) Association With HSBC After Citibank, another world-famous bank Hong Kong Shanghai Bank (which is famously known as HSBC) contacted me. It also established an interest-free branch, and appointed our friend Mr Iqbal Ahmad Khan as its head. [...]

20 04, 2023

Memories (Episode 55)


Memories (Episode 55) A Discussion With the Shariah Board of Dar Al-Maal Al-Islami Anyway! Faysal Bank was the first financial institute with which I was associated. Later, I observed several flaws in the mode of operation of Maṣraf Faysal, some [...]

15 03, 2023

Memories (Episode 54)


Memories (Episode 54) Practical and Literary Endeavours Towards Eradicating Interest Since childhood, I would observe my respected father (may his secret be sanctified) not only detesting and shunning the interest-based system of banking, he would also endeavour towards ridding it [...]

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