Abortion after four months’ pregnancy


An unmarried maid servant aging almost 17 has been working in the house of the owner of my company for the last almost 3 months. Recently his wife found that the maid is pregnant. When both the owner and his wife inquired from the maid about her pregnancy, she confessed that during her last employment some relative of her employer came from Canada and played sex with her as a result of which she has become pregnant. The visitor from Canada as well as the complete family of her of previous employer both has gone to Canada. The maid lives with her aunty and has come from a nearby village. Her aunty was called and was informed of the situation of which she replied that they would arrange an abortion.
The owner of my company has strictly and politely stressed upon the maid and her aunty not to do such a murder. Instead they have told her that they will help in her treatment as well as the delivery of the baby in a hospital. After the delivery they intend to hand over the newly born baby to either SOS Village or. any other institution so that an innocent baby does not come to the hands of cruel people who either sell or make beggar of such human beings by making them disable ‘apahaj’.Kindly guide us in the light of Shariah.
(Gulraiz A. Qureshi, Lahore)

Yes, your boss is right in forbidding her from abortion. According to the clear injunctions of the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah, all the jurists of the Ummah are unanimous on the point that abortion after four months’ pregnancy is strictly haram in all circumstances. However, the baby should be handed over to an individual or an institution that may look after not only the physical well-being of the baby, but also of his/her upbringing in accordance with Islamic precepts.


Although there are female doctors but they cannot be seen in every speciality with as much experience in hand as the male doctors normally have. Sometimes we mostly receive female patients at Hospital and in our Clinic. In that case what is the order for a doctor examining a female patient when female doctors are there but the preference is given to the male doctors because of their experience.
It is permissible for a male doctor to examine the female patients in this situation. However, the examination should be restricted only to the extent of need and only those parts of the body should be exposed that are necessary for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment.