1 – Hazrat Abdullah b. Omar “Islam is based on five things: (1) To testify that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad ﷺ is His Slave and Messenger (2) To establish prayer (3) To pay zakat (poor-due) (4) To perform Hajj; and (5) To fast during (the month of) Ramazan.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
2- Hazrat Anas b. Maalik “Whoso possesses the following three qualities, shall feel the pleasing tranquillity of faith (Iman): 1. He loves Allah and the Holy Prophet ﷺ more than anyone else. 2. He loves a person and loves him only for Allah’s sake. 3. After shunning infidelity he deems reverting to it as fatal as being put into fire,” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Audio Bayanat
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